COVID-19Population HealthSpecialized Registry
March 27, 2020

Roji Health Intelligence Launches Population Health Registry for Patients at High Risk for Severe COVID-19

To assist the health care provider community’s heroic efforts to combat COVID-19, Roji Health Intelligence has launched a new Population Health Registry for Patients at High Risk for Severe COVID-19. Our goal is to help providers track, monitor, and communicate with patients whose underlying health conditions will make them more vulnerable to the virus, particularly as resources are reallocated away from routine medicine to meet the exceptional demands of the pandemic. The program is being offered to current Roji Health Intelligence clients at no additional charge. To learn more, please contact us at [email protected]. Founded in 2002, Roji Health Intelligence…
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Alternative Payment Models (APM)Future of Health CarePerformance ImprovementSpecialized RegistryValue-Based Health Care
April 12, 2016

Boutique Medicine’s Quality Challenge: Can Specialized Registries Aid Consumer Choice?

Many physicians—especially those in primary care—are angry about the practice of medicine. Dogged by high administrative overhead, they feel the pressure of shorter visit times to meet the practice’s income needs. In some geographic areas, PCPs are opting out of Medicare assignment in large numbers and establishing boutique medicine practices (including “concierge medicine”). Indeed, as CMS pushes providers toward risk under Alternative Payment Mechanisms (APMs) and away from the traditional fee-for-service, concierge medicine has become an attractive alternative for physicians who are fed up with the system. What does this trend mean for access and quality of care, especially when…
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Clinical Data RegistryFuture of Health CareMeaningful UseMerit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS)Qualified Clinical Data Registry ReportingSpecialized RegistryValue-Based Health Care
March 29, 2016

Public Health Reporting Under Meaningful Use: Delayed—or Dead?

Of all the requirements in the EHR Incentive Program, the Modified Stage 2 provisions for public health reporting were among the most controversial when finalized—and remain the most muddled. Amended by a series of CMS FAQs since Final Rules, the 2016 requirements have been significantly eased. Providers now question whether Specialized Registry reporting will become a reality, and some have put off active engagement with Registries until CMS clarifies its direction. What should your path be, and how secure is your exclusion from reporting? Public Health Reporting: Who Is “Public Health”? Public health reporting under Meaningful Use falls into three…
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AttributionClinical Data RegistryFuture of Health CareMeaningful UsePerformance ImprovementValue-Based Health Care
January 12, 2016

Public Health Reporting for Specialists: Avoiding Penalties Isn’t the Only Reason to Comply

At the heart of CMS’s Public Health Reporting Requirements for Meaningful Use is a basic premise: EMR technology must facilitate tracking of public health trends and long-term outcomes improvement. That is why all providers in the Meaningful Use program, regardless of specialty, are now being required to engage in public health reporting to avoid a penalty. Many specialists don’t see the point of reporting for public health reasons or find it too difficult. While it’s true that specialists face some specific challenges that require dedicated reporting to fit their clinical operations and to avoid professional and financial risks, there are…
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Clinical Data RegistryFuture of Health CareMeaningful UseMedical Decision-MakingPerformance Improvement
November 24, 2015

Putting the “Meaning” in MU Public Health Reporting: 
How to Move Beyond “Check the Box”

Can Medicare influence health care delivery via the “public health” reporting requirements of the EHR Incentive Program? That question is central to the updated EHR Incentive Program (more commonly known as Meaningful Use, or “MU”). The answer boils down to a fundamental choice: whether providers view the external reporting Objective as just one more compliance effort, or an opportunity to improve. Apart from governmental reporting, Modified Stage 2 of MU requires eligible providers to submit data reporting to one of three types of “public health” registries: immunization, syndromic surveillance and Specialized Registries. This is reporting for the public good, and…
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Future of Health CarePerformance ImprovementRegistry ScienceResearch
October 27, 2015

How to Harness Clinical Data Registry Power to Improve Outcomes

At the center of Medicare’s Value-Based Health Care, the Clinical Data Registry (CDR) is introducing new possibilities for outcomes improvement. Under this month’s final rules, Medicare expanded the role of Specialized Registry and Clinical Data Registry reporting in its future Meaningful Use program. Specifically, CMS initiated provider reporting to a “Specialized Registry” in 2015 as an option to meet Stage 2 requirements, while establishing the CDR as the future avenue for capturing outcome data over time. The question now is: How can we use a CDR to improve patient health? Some providers may “check the box” on Meaningful Use objectives…
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