MACRAMerit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS)Qualified Clinical Data Registry ReportingRegistry Science

Roji Health Intelligence’s Roji Registry Earns ONC-Health IT Certification from Drummond Group LLC

By February 7, 2017 No Comments

Roji Health Intelligence has reached another milestone, enhancing Solutions to help providers achieve better outcomes and lower costs.

Roji Registry has earned Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC-Health IT) 2015 Edition Health IT Module Certification via Drummond Group LLC, an Authorized Certification Body (ACB). See details here.

Why ONC-Health IT Certification is Important to Current and Future Roji Health Intelligence Clients

ONC-Health IT Certification provides Roji Health Intelligence with additional capabilities for streamlining performance measurement and improvement. This is especially important for the Roji Health Intelligence Qualified Clinical Data Registry (QCDR), which has unique advantages for multi-specialty groups trying to manage under MACRA and move toward a financial risk model.

Special benefits of ONC-Health IT Certification for Roji Health Intelligence QCDR Clients include:

  • Expanded Measures for Roji Health Intelligence Reporting. Roji Health Intelligence will be able to report EHR measures in addition to Registry measures for MIPS. This will ease the reporting burden for clients while still retaining the maximum data needed for performance improvement. Integrating both medical record measures as well as other performance measures will help providers better centralize and manage their programs of measurement and improvement.
  • Roji Health Intelligence QCDR Reporting of both sets of Advancing Care Information MeasuresAdvancing Care Information Objectives and Measures plus 2017 Advancing Care Information Transition Objectives and Measures. Creating full-spectrum measurement and reporting for quality enables Roji Health Intelligence to become the full command center for data used in meeting quality standards and improving outcomes across all patients.
  • More robust QCDR performance improvement activities are facilitated by ONC-Health IT Certification because of availability of additional measures, such as closing the referral loop between specialists and referring clinicians. The QCDR will be able to help address network-wide referrals and offer other activities beyond the scope of EHR services, but using EHR data.
  • Additional options for EHR data collection available to Roji Health Intelligence clients. In addition to other data format options, Roji Health Intelligence will also provide the option to clients of submitting QRDA Is, which can be provided by any certified EHR.

Roji Registry ONC-Health IT Certification Details

Roji Registry has achieved Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC-Health IT) 2015 Edition Health IT Module Certification via Drummond Group LLC, an Authorized Certification Body (ACB). Drummond Group has been empowered to test software for compliance with the requirements of the federal government’s program. The stamp of approval designates that the software offers the functionality that enables eligible providers and hospitals to meet Meaningful Use requirements, qualifying these organizations to receive payments under the ongoing EHR adoption program.

To earn the certification, Roji Registry was tested to be in accordance with applicable standards and certification criteria put forth by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

With more than 15 years of testing experience across various industries, Drummond Group LLC (DG) brings a high level of technical expertise to this process. Its healthcare experience also runs deep, having certified hundreds of EHRs since becoming an ACB in 2010.

Roji Registry Version 2016, which met the requirements for ONC Certified HIT, 2015 Edition, was tested for Modules relating to calculation and import-export of Clinical Quality Measures, Privacy and Security features, and the use of a Quality Management System. In addition, Roji Registry was tested for all Clinical Quality Standards for Eligible Professionals and Eligible Hospitals.

The specifics of the Certification are:
Developer: George Hernandez, Roji Health Intelligence LLC
Product: Roji Registry Version 2016
Address: 641 W Lake Street, Suite 103, Chicago, IL 60661
Contact Information: [email protected], (312) 258-8004
Contact Individual: Jackie Walton
Date of Certification: February 2, 2017
Certification Number:

Modules Tested: 170.315 (c)(2-4); (d)(1-3, 5); (g)(4,5)

Clinical Quality Measures Tested: 2v5; 22v4; 50v4; 52v4; 56v4; 61v5; 62v4; 64v5; 65v5; 66v4; 68v5; 69v4; 74v5; 75v4; 77v4; 82v3; 90v5; 117v4; 122v4; 123v4; 124v4; 125v4; 126v4; 127v4; 128v4; 129v5; 130v4; 131v4; 132v4; 133v4; 134v4; 135v4; 136v5; 137v4; 138v4; 139v4; 140v4; 141v5; 142v4; 143v4; 144v4; 145v4; 146v4; 147v5; 148v4; 149v4; 153v4; 154v4; 155v4; 156v4; 157v4; 158v4; 159v4; 160v4; 161v4; 163v4; 164v4; 165v4; 166v5; 167v4; 169v4; 177v4; 179v4; 182v5; 9v4; 26v3; 30v5; 31v4; 32v5; 53v4; 55v4; 60v4; 71v5; 72v4; 73v4; 91v5; 100v4; 102v4; 104v4; 105v4; 107v4; 108v4; 109v4; 110v4; 111v4; 113v4; 114v4; 171v5; 172v5; 178v5; 185v4; 188v5; 190v4

Additional Software Used: none

Additional Disclosures:

  1. This Health IT Module is 2015 Edition compliant and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
  2. Additional costs will be incurred by an EP, EH, or CAH to use the Roji Registry to meet MACRA or meaningful use objectives and measures. Additional capabilities of the Roji Registry, such as meeting MIPS requirements for Advancing Care Information, Performance Improvement Activities, and use of Additional EHR Measures, will be limited to QCDR clients. QCDR clients must purchase MIPS Solutions through a Roji Health Intelligence Services Agreement that includes these features in order to meet meaningful use and MACRA measures.

Founded as ICLOPS in 2002, Roji Health Intelligence guides health care systems, providers and patients on the path to better health through Solutions that help providers improve their value and succeed in Risk. Roji Health Intelligence is a CMS Qualified Clinical Data Registry.

Image Credit: Julia Caesar

Author Theresa Hush

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